Prophetic Prayer Fast Shut-in

Your Prophetic Prayer Request Miracle can be just 6 hours away
On July 1, 2016, we had an amazing call. We asked the people of God to fast during the Prophetic Prayer Fast Shut -in. We had people at the church in Atlanta, GA as well as the conference call. The prophets was live on the conference call. The Conference Call started at 11:59 PM EST and ended July 2, 2016 at 6:00 AM EST. Prophet Daniel Amoateng joined the Prophetic Prayer Shut-in Call from 2:00 AM -4:00 AM EST. The accuracy of the prophetic prayer conference call shut-in was amazing.
The call first started with prayer opening up with prophets praying and speaking in tongues. The response was overwhelming on the call line. We had so many people, that was calling in to the conference call line as well as the ministry line. This was a sign from God, that the people of God was calling out to the name of JESUS.
2 Kings 20:2-3
2 Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, saying,
3 I beseech thee, O Lord, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore.
When I say, your miracle is just 6 hours away, It is really true your miracle is only 6 hours away from you. Your miracle is all determine by your faith in God. The people of God that was on the Prophetic Prayer Shut-in Conference Call started to see miracles that was happening before there eyes. We had people that came on testifying about the goodness of the Lord and how accurate the Prophet of God was speaking in the people lives.
There are some things that you have been asking God to do for you, to set you free from the struggle. You take one step forward and yet, the enemy finds a way to bring you three steps back. There were some doors opened for you but the enemy got there and closed the doors on you.
If I was you, I would not miss the next Prophetic Prayer Shut-in Conference call. I will stop what I am doing and put in your Prophetic Prayer Request today, just by filling out the form on the side. You can receive your free prophecy request today.