We consider it a privilege to be able to minister the heart of God to people on an individual and one-to-one basis in prophetic ministry appointments. These prophetic sessions are one hour and take place with two trained and experienced team members. We also provide these appointments for couples upon request.
f you would like to book a prophetic session you can do so here.
Once on the booking page you can pick a date and a time that suits you. Appointments will take place on Zoom.

Your one-hour session will look a little something like this:
- Our team will prophesy over you
- You are given an opportunity to share about yourself or any prayer requests you have
- Our team will pray for you
These sessions are run by our team who are all volunteers, so if you would like to make a donation for the sessions, details will be provided for you.
We ask everyone to leave a 6-month gap between appointments.